

The RSPO membership contributes to sustainable development

Detergents play an important role in maintaining hygiene and cleanliness in households and public places. However, their widespread use has a huge impact on the environment due to the consumption of large quantities of energy and water. This applies to every stage of production, as well as to the use and disposal of detergents. This is why it is very important to raise the awareness of both manufacturers and users and to encourage responsible use in order to protect natural resources, and in turn – the environment.

In addition to imposed national legislation and European directives, Global Cosmed takes voluntary initiatives for sustainable development and has pursued environmentally friendly production policies for years. It also promotes the proper use of products among consumers, providing clear visible information about product use and safety on its packaging – hence the membership of A.I.S.E. – the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products.

Palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil in the world. Due to increasing demands for this product, a growth in oil palm plantations is recorded every year. It is extremely important that this expansion has no negative effects on the environment.

An important initiative towards sustainable development was to join RSPO – The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil organization in 2016. RSPO promotes the sustainable cultivation of oil palm and the use of palm oil and palm kernel oil from sustainable crops.

RSPO members include growers, refiners, manufacturers and retailers of palm oil and palm oil-based products, manufacturers of cosmetics and cleaning products and non-governmental organisations. The Company received RSPO certification in August 2016. With these actions, Global Cosmed helps to preserve the environment for future generations.

Global Cosmed Group
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